With our activity program here at Riverside East, every day, we have a variety of engaging activities taking place. We truly enjoy entertaining and participating alongside all the residents. Our community is very active, and we're always looking for new adventures.
Some of our regular activities include a monthly women's group, cooking or baking with Leza, non-denominational bible study, art from the heart, flower arranging, and of course, bingo! I wanted to highlight the wonderful opportunity available to our female residents through the women's group led by our executive director. This group provides a space for women to connect, socialize, and explore activities that align with their interests. In return, we also have a monthly men’s group with the same opportunities. Our cooking and baking sessions often use recipes from the residents' past, adding a personal touch. Every month, they also have the chance to meet with our activity director to request outings or other activities for the calendar. We strive to be flexible and cater to the diverse interests of our residents, after all, this is their home, and we're honored to be a part of it.