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A couple dark evergreen trees with small dark background shape in right corner.

Sweethearts Jerry and Lynn at Harbor Tower Village

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Jerry and Lynn’s love story began in 1958 at the U.S.O. in Oakland, CA, when Jerry, a Navy sailor, asked Lynn to dance. He told her he’d rather dance with her than eat, so they danced! Over the next 66 years, they raised four children, now with nine grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Lynn says she has always loved how tall and handsome Jerry is and his blue eyes. Jerry loves that they are still married because Lynn “puts up with him!”

These sweethearts have been part of our Village Concepts of Oak Harbor Community, Harbor Tower Village, for four years. Lynn is our resident welcoming committee, and Jerry is the resident handyman. Their love and gumption inspire all of us—perfect for celebrating this Valentine’s Day!