ISSAQUAH, Wash. — About 60 residents at the assisted living facility Spiritwood in Issaquah eagerly watched the Democratic National Convention’s biggest night Thursday. Some of the women say that, growing up, it never crossed their minds that a woman might someday be nominated for president by a major political party.
“At this age I keep hoping that that would happen. I don’t know if I gave it a whole lot of thought when I was younger” said Clinton supporter Sandie Hagan.
“Probably didn’t even think about it,” said Trump supporter Barbara Allen.
Hagan, 72, says in her day, girls were rarely sent to college.
“Often parents thought, well, we’ll send John to college and after all she can get a husband, whatever their daughter’s name might be,” said Hagan.
To put it simply…
“We don’t have to just be moms,” said Hagan.
That’s why active Republican Party member Barbara Allen says this historic moment, the first female presidential nominee of a major party, crosses party lines.
“We have to keep an open mind. I think it’s wonderful that a woman is being nominated for president,” said Allen.
A generation gathered in the dining hall watching yet another historic moment in their long lives.
The excitement and awe of this latest American accomplishment was not overlooked by the men in the room.
“I am more confident that she can probably pull off what she has to pull off during the process,” said Clinton supporter John Neary.
And Thursday night that possibility that never crossed their minds as young girls might finally come true.
“It’s way past time for a woman to have the chance to be the head of our country,” said Hagan.
Spiritwood staff say they’ll continue these watch parties for the upcoming debates between Clinton and Trump and, of course, on election night.